UNDEREXPOSED CINEMATIC TREASURES is a website that was created to celebrate our love of movies. All kinds of movies. From the arthouse thinking-persons film to the emotional roller coaster ride to the check your brain at the door and have a good time film. With so many movie review websites and podcasts that seem to get great joy in badmouthing the films we all know and love, we thought it was time to create something that concentrates mostly on the positive. There is a reason why we love going to the movies and we should be celebrating the escapism as well as the emotional and thought-provoking journey that a good film can take us on.
That being said, on this site, we will be recommending movies that fit under certain categories. If you’re expecting reviews of CASABLANCA, THE GODFATHER or DO THE RIGHT THING, you will not find them here. Not because they aren’t great movies that everyone should see. Let’s face it, they definitely are. But everybody already knows they need to see movies like these. They are talked about on so many other websites. I want to make people aware of the movies that audiences may have missed, allowing viewers the opportunity to discover those they might well skip past while scanning through their favorite streaming service for what to watch on any particular night.
The films that this website will be concentrating on will fit into one of the following criteria:
1: Under-seen/Unseen. Movies that we love that deserve a larger audience. Movies that we love so much that it surprises us when so many people say they have either not seen them or even heard of them.
2: Misunderstood. Movies that have a bad reputation (Either because of bad marketing or bad (Maybe undeserved) critical response) that we feel deserve more love.
3: Movies that may have been popular when they first came out but have gone forgotten over time.
Our goal is to introduce and/or reintroduce movies that we love to audiences and allow them a chance to discover some of the cinema’s most underexposed treasures.
Mark graduated with a film degree from Columbia College in Chicago, Illinois, before relocating to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the movie industry. During his almost 20 years as a freelance editor, Mark has worked on numerous films, documentaries, webisodes, industrials, music videos, commercials and just about anything that needed editing. In 2013, his work on the award-winning short film LIBERATOR earned him the Best Editing award from the “CineRocKom International Film Festival” and then in 2019 he was honored with a “Best Editing Award” from the “Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival” for his work on the short film “Medea.”
Mark’s work has extended past the editing room too. He has writing, producing and directing credits on the short films A WRITER’S STATE OF MIND, THE PERFECT MAN, and GOURMET, the latter of which won the Best Micro-Short honor at the “2007 International Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival.” Currently, his new short film, THE DEAD THAT LIVE, is finalizing its festival run where it has won multiple awards.
Mark’s passion for films came after his parents were divorced. During his weekends with his Dad they would spend a lot of time going to see movies at the SHOWCASE CINEMAS in East Harford, CT. Movies were at first just a form of escapism, that is until he saw Peter Weir’s Oscar-nominated film WITNESS for the first time. His love and fascination with the film led to a deeper passion for the medium. Getting a job at a movie theater allowed him to see all the movies he could for free. Taking complete advantage of this he tried to see anything and everything that came out, allowing this passion to grow even more.
Mark also wrote reviews briefly for the website “Adventures by Daddy” and became the creative consultant for the popular podcast “SKYWALKING THROUGH NEVERLAND.” His friend, co-host of STN, Richard Woloski, then asked Mark to join him in doing a short 14 episode spinoff of the podcast based on the live-action PLANET OF THE APES TV series. Together they created and developed TALKINGAPESTV, which garnered a big enough audience that the two co-hosts decided to keep it going past the 14 episode initial run and discussed the RETURN TO THE PLANET OF THE APES animated series, as well as doing interviews and special shows about everything PLANET OF THE APES. Mark stayed with the show for 6 years before moving on to his own projects, including co-creating the podcast THE SCREEN FORUM and the new UNDEREXPOSED CINEMATIC TREASURES website.